My youngest daughter, Mia, has always been a bit of a handful. She is adventurous, witty, interesting, loving, quirky, and yes...strong willed. They say that strong willed children grow up to become great leaders. If that's the case, you may be looking at the first future female U.S. president! “Compliance is conforming to an expectation or a request without really believing in what you are doing” (Myers & Twenge, 2015, p. 154). Mia gets a lot of opportunities to practice compliance. While we would prefer that she align herself with our values and embrace the skills and principals we are instilling when we give her certain tasks (this is called acceptance), there are times when she must be obedient despite her inner protest (Bennett, 2016). The inner protest doesn't usually stay "inner" for very long, which my wife and I are fine with provided that when it comes out, it is done in a respectful way and that its content be constructive or ha...